Wednesday, January 6, 2010


WOW! No, I mean WOW! Yesterday, the White House press corps. first pressed Gibbs about C-SPAN'S Brian Lamb formally asking the White House to honor its commitment to allow the cable network to show the health care negotiations. Gibbs did not answer the question because there was no way to do so without admitting the lie or creating a new one.

The arrogance was palpable.

Today, it got much worse because what you see in the exchange between Chip Reid and Gibbs is a man who is simply trapped and cannot wiggle out of it. Compounding all of this is Naked Emperor's release of a video montage that shows Obama claiming eight times on the campaign trail that the health care negotiations will be on C-SPAN. It is this level of specificity that makes the lie that much more inescapable. This is literally fascinating to watch. I realize the media has been more than passive when it comes to this administration but this is the kind of stuff that puts blood in the water that can't be ignored.

CLICK HERE to watch Gibbs writhe in political agony.


Paging Joe Wilson.....

h/t to HA

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