Monday, February 22, 2010


I'm beginning to get the sense that the Council on American Islamic Relations is on the brink of being completely exposed for what it is - a front group for Hamas and, by extension, the Muslim Brotherhood. P. David Gaubatz, author of Muslim Brotherhood obtained 12,000 documents from CAIR's offices when his son, Chris posed as an intern there and instead of shredding the internal documents, he kept them.

Recently, a judge ruled against CAIR when the latter attempted to re-file its suit against Gaubatz, saying such an effort was "moot" because there was nothing new to be brought.

Now CAIR is demonstrating the dogged determination of Alinsky-ites as well as the desperation of a trapped animal. WND reports:
On the heels of a major setback in federal court, the Council on American-Islamic Relations is "throwing a Hail Mary pass" to keep its "Muslim Mafia" lawsuit alive by issuing subpoenas to a prominent counter-terror expert, says a lawyer for the two men who probed the Muslim group's terror ties in a sting operation.

"The timing of their request is a sign of desperation," said Daniel Horowitz, representing former Special Agent P. David Gaubatz and his son Chris, who recovered thousands of pages of incriminating CAIR documents meant for a shredder while posing as a Muslim intern.
So who is the counter-terror expert CAIR wants brought into the case? Center For Security Policy's Frank Gaffney. It would appear that there is a touch of paranoia at work here too. CAIR has issued the subpoena for Gaffney's testimony because they want to know what was said / exchanged between Gaffney and the Gaubatzes. In addition to this having the feel of a "Hail Mary Pass" as Gaubatz attorney says, it is also indicative of how much money CAIR must have at its disposal.

Here is the subpoena calling for Gaffney's testimony.

Read the whole thing.

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