Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Not every Senator is up for re-election this November but the Democrats who aren't are no doubt feeling like they've escaped some sort of undesirable political lottery. One who may not escape being shown the door is a Chuck Schumer, whose mug conservatives would place on one of a deck of cards' Aces in a set of the 52 most disgraceful politicians.

Larry Kudlow, a very familiar face to conservatives - and trusted man when it comes to economics - is apparently considering a run against Schumer, whose numbers are falling and considering New York's financial status right now which is bad and likely to get much worse between now and November.

Via National Review:
Will Kudlow challenge him? “The only thing I’ve said and I’ll continue to say,” he told The Daily Caller, is that “I’m honored to be considered.” But “defeating Senator Schumer,” he added, “would be a noble cause.”

It would be perfectly understandable if Kudlow declined to put himself and his family through the hell of a campaign. But if he did throw his hat in the ring, his candidacy would be an important one.
Let's also not forget that Kudlow worked inside the OMB of the Reagan administration which is quite an enticing reason to vote for him in this economic climate.
At this critical juncture, Candidate Kudlow could make a vital contribution to the debate. That’s because the combination of gifts he possesses is so rare. Kudlow is at once an economic expert and an expert communicator. As an economist, he was “present at the creation” of Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts in the Eighties, when he served as associate director of economics and planning in Reagan’s OMB. As a communicator, he reaches a vast audience through CNBC’s The Kudlow Report and WABC radio’s The Larry Kudlow Show. He can tell you the top marginal income tax rate when President Kennedy proposed his own epochal tax cuts in 1962 (91 percent). What’s more, he can make you understand the significance of those cuts in a way few other economists can.
As the article points out, defeating the New York political establishment, of which Schumer is a part, will be incredibly difficult. It will require economic smarts and name recognition. Kudlow has both. He may be the best choice Republicans have. Hopefully, he gives it a go.

Read the whole thing.

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