Friday, February 12, 2010


The creator of the fraudulent "Hockey Stick" chart, Michael Mann may have been safe from any real consequences when his employer, Penn State University, announced they would be conducting an investigation. However, he may not be safe from the students.

A group called Campus Reform is holding a rally on campus and demanding that Penn State University's investigation, which ultimately cleared Mann, should not be accepted due to conflict of interest concerns.
Students, residents and community leaders will join together on Friday, February 12, to demand a fair and independent investigation of Michael Mann and Climategate. The University has a conflict of interest, and should not conduct an internal investigation without external oversight. The Rally for Academic Integrity will take place in front of the Hetzel Union Building (HUB) on Penn State’s University Park Campus (Pollock Road entrance) at 12:00. This Rally for Academic Integrity is jointly sponsored by PSU Young Americans for Freedom and The 9-12 Project of Central PA.
Good points all. On the matter of this investigation being nothing more than a dog and pony show, my antennae went up when Mann wrote a column in defense of himself. If he was truly feeling the heat (no pun intended) of an investigation, my belief was he would be less inclined to potentially incriminate himself.

h/t to Hot Air

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