Wednesday, February 24, 2010


It's a sorry statement when this video has no impact on the American people anymore. The audacity of Harry Reid calling people arrogant, the gall of Chris Dodd to have a righteously indignant tantrum, Chuck Schumer warning of a Constitutional Crisis, or Obama declaring that Congress is acting in a way incongruent with what "the Founders intended", et. al add up to a level of hypocrisy that cannot be trumped.

I also find it quite telling that in 2005, the Democrats were successful in labeling the process of Reconciliation a "nuclear option". Even today, the Republican leadership refuses to return the favor. Instead, it's back to being referred to as "Reconciliation".

Shameless doesn't even begin to describe this. This is nothing more than mental pre-adolescents playing dress-up.

h/t to Breitbart

1 comment:

  1. I want to know why this video is not on evrey major news desk and being played reguarly?
