Wednesday, February 10, 2010


John McCain's Republican challenger, J.D. Hayworth hasn't even officially announced that he's running - that will happen on February 15th - and the race is already heating up. Joe Arpaio is the underdog sheriff who has been quite the thorn in the side of the Federal government by unapologetically enforcing immigration laws in Maricopa county and has officially endorsed Hayworth while simultaneously blasting McCain's liberal track record.

National Journal reports:
Maricopa Co. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is urging GOPers to shelve Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) in favor of ex-Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R), a challenger attacking from the right, in a new letter sent to primary voters.

"Senator McCain has served this country admirably but it's time to replace his moderate or even liberal positions on taxes, the border, social causes and big bank bailouts with a consistent conservative like J.D.," Arpaio writes in the letter. ""I just wish Senator McCain had run as hard against Barack Obama as he is against a conservative like J.D. That could have prevented the harmful, liberal agenda we are all now suffering through."
Yes, he's a divisive figure but Arpaio is likely to garner more support from the rising Tea Party movement than will McCain. Not to beat a dead horse but this very well could put informal Tea Party leader Sarah Palin in the untenable position of being the face of a movement that is likely going to aggressively support the opponent of the candidate she will be stumping for - John McCain.

In opposing Hayworth, Palin will also be opposing illegal immigration enforcer and underdog, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Palin should have stayed out of this one.

h/t to Hot Air

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