Sunday, February 7, 2010


Geert Wilders is a Dutch member of parliament and he is being prosecuted for exercising his first amendment right of free speech. He has been critical of Islam and was very involved in the making of the film, "FITNA". Now his own country is putting him on trial.

I'm not sure about Dutch law but here in the United States, politicians have more freedom to speak than do the citizens, which makes this trial particularly disturbing.

The pre-trial proceedings opened on January 20th. Wilders' attorney, Bram Moszkowicz, raised objections about the court's jurisdiction due to Wilders' place of residence. He also requested 18 witnesses, consisting of five freedom of speech experts, 8 Islam experts, and 5 experiential experts (practicing Islamists). On February 3rd, when the court re-convened, the judges announced that only three of the requested experts would be permitted. None of the three were allowed were freedom of speech experts or practicing Islamists.

Two very telling things about that for me. On its face, the court not permitting one expert on freedom of speech would seem to indicate they know this entire trial would be shredded with the truth. As for the lack of Islamists themselves, isn't it curious that those making the charges against Wilders won't even defend their position?

The good news? One of the three witnesses that WILL be giving her testimony is none other than Wafa Sultan, whose anti-islamic rant went viral a few short years ago. Here it is:

Another red flag is that Sultan, along with the other two witnesses, Jansen and Admiraal, are going to have to give their testimony behind closed doors. According to a website Wilders' people have put together and are keeping updated, Wilders himself is going to be examined behind closed doors as well.

Click Here for more information and the list of 18 requested witnesses.

Here's a video from another familiar face to those who follow the Islamization of Europe, Pat Condell.

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