Saturday, February 6, 2010


Simply awesome music video put to the music of One Republic's "Apologize" but with lyrics meant to illustrate why America's founding fathers had to write our founding documents. The repression they were feeling back then from Great Britain is what the majority of Americans are feeling from the current government of the United States.

Our founders were fed up with an out-of-touch British government that needed the colonists to subsidize their debt and largesse. When those colonists stood up and said, "no more", the Brits didn't like it very much. 1776 is about people collectively saying, "enough" to big government and tyranny. Sound familiar?

Today's Tea Party movement is about the same thing and it's been winning some battles lately. It's peacefully but assertively taking back America and everyone is finding a way to play a part, including these guys.

Very well done.

h/t to Verum Serum

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