Friday, February 5, 2010


Although I highly recommend watching Jim DeMint, feel free to fast forward to the 4:00 mark to watch Senator John McCain get righteously indignant about all of the spending in Washington. While he's on the right side of this issue with his rhetoric, he makes reference to Washington not listening to the American people. I wonder what his response would be to the times he didn't do that (Immigration / TARP / Cap & Tax).

Again, he's right on this issue but he's also facing a challenge in the Arizona primary this year from a conservative Republican in J.D. Hayworth. Something tells me that fact is fueling some of this passion. Remember, McCain is the master at political expediency. Prior to the 2008 primary, he was for amnesty for illegals. During the primary, he was against it, and after the primary, he was back to liking it again.

I like his words here but coming from John McCain in an election year, aren't they just words?

Nonetheless, worth the watch.

h/t to Hot Air Pundit

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