Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Wow. When I first saw this one yesterday, I decided not to post but it's been gestating like sour wine. Katrina Vanden Heuvel, a far left ideologue who writes for The Nation, was on Morning Joe and after getting totally smacked down by Scarborough, Vanden Heuvel doubled down by seriously suggesting that John Mellencamp should run for Evan Byah's senate seat. She even put on her serious face before suggesting it and said, "don't laugh".

I hadn't thought of John Mellencamp in some time but when I saw this clip, it reminded me of some outlandish things he said in February of 2007. Fortunately, I saved the audio and will likely play on my next program. Be sure to tune in to hear Mellencamp's thoughts on the Taliban and Pearl Harbor but be sure you're sitting down or not driving fast.

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Really? These libs know no end to doubling down. They just hit rock bottom and continue digging.

h/t to Hot AIr Pundit

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