Tuesday, February 2, 2010


At issue here is what should be done with the TARP money that's been paid back. According to Gregg, who has what appears to be the necessary backup in his hands, the government should be paying that money back to the taxpayers. According to Orzag, it needs to be directed to smaller banks so that they can issue credit to small businesses.

Gregg appears to be dead-on target and it's refreshing to see from a Republican senator who has had to due battle against accusations that he's a moderate.

There is a significant cross-section of society that is offended by this kind of thing because it indicates a "dangerous tone" from leaders. However, I see it exactly the opposite. These are the kinds of passionate exchanges that had our leaders engaged in more often, perhaps we wouldn't be in such a mess.

I am going to scream if I hear, "it's ok to disagree without being disagreeable" one more time.

Time to start getting disagreeable with these whack jobs. It's overdue.

h/t to Hot Air Pundit

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