Saturday, February 27, 2010


Yes, Maxine Waters does it again. On display for the entire world to see is her complete inability to understand where money comes from. After watching this, I found myself resenting Waters not just because she's part of the problem in Washington but because she actually made me feel bad for Ben Bernanke, which I also resent people making me do.

Thanks a pile, Maxine.

Also, keep your eye on the guy sitting in front of Maxine. Watch as he turns around to look at her - presumably in an attempt to better understand her nonsense - then turns back, with his expression in full view of the camera and displays a priceless look that basically says, "what the %@*&^ is she talking about?"

Via CBS, of all places...

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In the mood for more Maxine beauties? Remember these? Admission that she's socialist while talking to Oil company leaders.....

Jumping out of her skull with Bank CEOs after she can't figure out how credit works....

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