Saturday, February 20, 2010


I know the name, "Obama" and the word "Liar" have become virtually synonymous lately but this one may lower the bar even for him. At CPAC, California representative Darrell Issa (R) showed a video of Barack Obama privately addressing ACORN during the 2008 presidential campaign basically highlighting his past support of ACORN while pledging future support.

That video is at the end of a video posted by Gateway Pundit, which contrasts what Obama said publicly on the campaign trail about ACORN - distancing himself from the group - followed by what he actually said to ACORN in 2008.

There was a time when this would be a huge deal but in these insane times, everyone seems unfazed.

Of course, what Obama / ACORN post would be complete without this?

For the record, this photo was taken in 2004 and scrubbed once it was pointed out by the blogosphere.

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