Monday, February 1, 2010


The question comes from Les Kinsolving, the one reporter who actually reported on Jim Jones in the years before the San Francisco / Guyana maniac fled to Guyana and ended his own life with the blood of countless others on his hands as well. In that respect, Kinsolving is rather un-sung and deserves a pulitzer. Then again, he worked for the right-leaning San Francisco Examiner at the time.

But I digress. Kinsolving asks Gibbs to respond to Newsweek's Evan Thomas identifying Obama as "sort of god" this past summer and Chris Matthews' comment that he forgot Obama was "black tonight, for an hour". Rather than refusing to comment, Gibbs rubs the nose of the White House's biggest lapdog in its own mess by saying the president doesn't pay attention to "cable television".

In light of the fact that both incidents aired over MSNBC, Gibbs made it known that Obama couldn't care less about receiving their adulation.

Is Obama tiring of even MSNBC?

via MediaIte

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