Monday, February 8, 2010


First off, I am not an apologist for Sarah Palin. I have been much more critical and skeptical of her as of late. Until recently, she has been at the top of my short list for 2012. She's no longer there and is increasingly losing stock with me. The biggest burr under my saddle has been her decision to stump for progressive John McCain in the Arizona primary against J.D. Hayworth. In so doing, she has pitted herself against conservatives in that state as well as Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa county, who is on record as saying he will support Hayworth.

Arpaio and McCain aren't the best of friends and the latter's views on immigration no doubt serve as quite the wedge in that relationship.

I've already written about Palin and McCain in the Arizona primary so I won't go into it here.

With that out of the way.... While appearing on Fox News Sunday, Palin told Chris Wallace that Obama is telling his political opponents - to include the Tea Party movement - to "sit down and shut up". Wallace responded by challenging Palin to point to an example of when he said that.

Via Politico
Pressed by host Chris Wallace to explain where the president is telling Americans to sit down and shut up, Palin said: "Just kind of his general persona, I think, that he has when he's up there at, I'll call it a lectern.
Levying that kind of charge and then not backing it up with specifics made Palin look foolish in my view. That doesn't mean she wasn't right.

She SHOULD have pointed to this....

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