Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Quite the intersting development in Indiana with respect to the potential involvement of the White House in hand-picking Evan Bayh's successor. There are many different angles to this one - enough to warrant further attention.

The long and short of it is that Bayh resigned one day before the filing deadline for Democrats wanting to run for his seat. Tamyra D’Ippolito is one such person but she is not a politician and seems to be appealing to the Tea Party movement.

The Daily Caller reports:
Democratic Senate candidate Tamyra d’Ippolito accused the White House of conspiring with party officials to secretly draft Rep. Baron Hill to run against her.

As the only other Democrat in the field, d’Ippolito became the presumptive front-runner for the Democratic nomination when Sen. Evan Bayh announced Monday that he would not seek re-election. Indiana Senate candidates must collect 4,500 signatures to appear on the ballot, including 500 from each of the state’s nine congressional districts.
D'Ippolito is also making an interesting claim that the White House has already hand-picked its choice for Bayh's replacement, got all of their ducks in a rown, and dropped the bomb today.
d’Ippolito said she was informed Monday that Hill, a blue dog who represents Indiana’s 9th District in the House, already has the necessary signatures and is sitting on them until the deadline. She accused White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel of colluding with Hill and the Democratic party county chairs to secretly supplant her as the nominee.

“I can’t confirm so I’m working feverishly to find out if this is the deal. If it is, there’s something unethical going on in Indiana politics,” d’Ippolito said. She then referenced Emanuel’s Jan. 9 appearance at a fundraiser for Hill in Bloomington and accused the president’s top political aide of playing kingmaker during that visit.
So the White House Chief of Staff was in Indiana helping Baron Hill in his congressional race?


Who is Baron Hill? This video of him at one of "his" townhall meetings speaks volumes.

h/t to Hot Air

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