Sunday, March 28, 2010


This is, WITHOUT QUESTION, a must-hear! Yes, it's 9 minutes long but it gives clear thinking people an inside look into what we're up against. Andrew Breitbart, the Glenn Beck of the internet, was on-hand in Searchlight, NV - Harry Reid's hometown - for the March 27th Tea Party, which turned out to be a huge success.

Billed as "The Conservatives' Woodstock", Breitbart via phone gives you a firsthand account of the tactics of an angry leftwing mob. Listen as he describes a man pointing people in the wrong direction, threats of bodily harm to him from individuals within the mob, and then almost laughably, the cops are called by members of the mob to arrest Breitbart for something members of the mob did - throwing eggs.

Literally unbelievable.

Folks, some may brush this off as fringe mobs but if true - I understand there is video evidence - it also means that Pallywood has come to America. See for yourself. Here is a short 2006 documentary by Richard Landes in which he dissects the raw footage of a 60 Minutes segment from 2000. It is jaw-dropping not only to watch the tactics of these Palestinians but even more so when you realize that these are the tactics being used by the left here in the U.S.A.

h/t to Gateway Pundit for the Breitbart audio.

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