Friday, March 12, 2010


Former Muslim terrorist Walid Shoebat has been sounding the alarm with respect to the rise of Islam within the political leadership of Turkey for quite some time. It has been a subject that has generally been ignored by most media outlets. Recent events warrant giving more credence to Shoebat's position.

Via World Net Daily, Shoebat was interviewed about the situation in Turkey, once home to the Ottoman Empire, which was dissolved after WWI. Shoebat maintains that the Islamist forces inside Turkey want to re-establish that empire along with the Islamic Caliphate that comes with it.

Shoebat insists that this is the goal of Turkey's Prime Minister, Tayyip Recep Erdogan and it should be easy to see when one looks at the facts:
"Erdogan is saying 1.5 billion Muslims are waiting for the Turkish government to arise. This is pretty scary. Turkey rules only 70 million people so why are they talking about 1.5 billion Muslims?" continued Shoebat, who has written "For God or For Tyranny: When Nations Deny God's Natural Law" as well as "God's War on Terror."

About 98 percent of Turkey's estimated 74 million people are Muslim.

"Erdogan has made the statements, and he's impacting a youth movement in Turkey that is calling for the glory days of the Turkish rule through the Caliphate. Let's not forget the history," he said.

Ex-PLO member Walid Shoebat on Fox News

"It was Turkey that lost the power of Islam when the Caliphate was dismantled and Shariah law was no longer the law of the land," Shoebat said.

At the end of World War I, Mustafa Kemal, who became Kemal Ataturk, dissolved the Ottoman Empire and moved to form a secular Turkish state.
Interestingly, Shoebat says that all Islamic groups now in the United States roll up under the Muslim Brotherhood umbrella, a group he says was formed four years after the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1924 with a long term goal of re-establishing the empire as well as defeating the west.
"In 1924, the Caliphate was dismantled by the West, and this is why Muslims hate the West. Americans don't understand why Muslims hate us so much. In 1928, four years later, the Muslim Brotherhood was born. This is the umbrella of all the Muslim terrorist organizations," he said.

"The Muslim Brotherhood is the mother, and it was established four years after the dissolution of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. This really answers the whole question when people ask about the roots of Islamic terrorism," he said.
View earlier posts on Turkey here and here.

Be sure to read the entire interview.

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