Sunday, March 7, 2010


Identifying what the mainstream - liberal - media is doing with respect to John Patrick Bedell, the now deceased whack job who shot two police officers at one of the entrances to the Pentagon, is beyond despicable. In fact, it's so despicable there may not even be a word for it. In any case, tying the actions of a nutcase like Bedell to the Tea Party movement or conservatives is bad enough but doing so despite the fact that Bedell was a registered Democrat is just plain evil.

Yes, the liberal media seems to be chomping at the bit to deem Bedell a "Tea-bagger" to the point that some outlets - Christian Science Monitor and ABC's GMA - are apparently now willing to lie in order to create that reality. Michelle Malkin has more on Bedell, the Democrat Right Wing Extremist.

The Christian Science Monitor reported:
John Patrick Bedell, whom authorities identified as the gunman in the Pentagon shooting on Thursday, appears to have been a right-wing extremist with virulent antigovernment feelings.

If so, that would make the Pentagon shooting the second violent extremist attack on a federal building within the past month. On Feb. 18, Joseph Stack flew a small aircraft into an IRS building in Austin, Texas. Mr. Stack left behind a disjointed screed in which, among other things, he expressed his hatred of the government.
Not only does CSM do all it can to tie Bedell, a Bush-hating, 9/11 Truther Democrat to the Tea Party movement but just for good measure, they throw Joseph Stack into the mix as well. Stack was also a Bush-hater whose writings indicated he rejected capitalism and embraced communism.

Yet, the MSM wants to create an entirely different reality by registering both Stack and Bedell as dead registered Tea Party members.

It doesn't end there. Good Morning America had a segment this week in which interviewer Bill Weir used Janet Napolitano's DHS Right Wing Extremism Report as a prop, holding it up for viewers while asking former FBI agent Brad Garrett about the Pentagon shooting and the dangers of Right Wing Extremists like Bedell, a registered Democrat.

h/t to NewsBusters for the video

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