Monday, March 29, 2010


Republican whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) came out forcefully last week and singled out Democrat leaders for "fanning the flames" by exploiting threats to Democratic members of congress for political gain. To prove his point - remaining silent would have been worse - Cantor announced that a bullet had been shot into the window of his campaign office. His reason for doing so was to make it known that threats come with the job and are not directed at one party exclusively, as the Democratic leadership was implying.

The left actually decided to debunk Cantor's claims not by denying a bullet had entered his office through the window but by pointing to the police report, which said the angle of entry was from top, down. This apparently meant that someone shot a gun in the air and it happened to come down inside Cantor's office. How foolish of him to bring that up as an example.

Now we learn that a man has been arrested for posting a threat to Cantor and his family on YouTube. Take a look at how the extremely liberal Salon reports it:
Cantor made a real hash of it last week, but these kinds of things do show that he had at least a partial point: Though Democrats are now playing up the threats they've faced since passing healthcare reform, it's also true that politicians and other public figures have to deal with this stuff on a fairly regular basis, even without the anger from tea partiers.
Don't look now but could it be that even the leftwing bloggers are being forced to confront the stubborn truth? Not so fast. Note the implication in the last sentence. The left is bound and determined to make sure those darned Tea Partiers are guilty somehow.


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