Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Last week, Dutch politician Geert Wilders won big in Municipal elections in both Almere and The Hague. It could be foreshadowing big wins for his party in June. His rise has many speculating that he may become the Netherlands' next Prime Minister. For more information on that story, click here. This happened to be a story that Fox News couldn't ignore, including Glenn Beck.

However, during one of his teaching sessions - which are normally very good - Beck had a chalkboard drawing of railroad tracks he used to illustrate a metaphor about staying on the right track. An additional layer of irony is provided with those tracks in the background as Beck implied that Wilders' rise in the Netherlands is a sign that Europe is moving toward Fascism. Translation: Geert Wilders is a fascist.

Video via Jihad Watch. Be sure to read the comments under that post at JW. Posters are not too happy about Beck. It should be obvious after reading them that it is Beck whom they view as having gotten off track. More at Atlas Shrugs as well.

As if Beck's misguided - and dangerous - analysis wasn't enough, the show that follows his is Special Report whose All-Star Panel on March 8th included Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, and A.B. Stoddard. When the subject of Geert Wilders came up, Krauthammer and Kristol - two supposed champions of the conservative right - utterly whiffed. It was embarrassing. A.B. Stoddard - a regular to the show with moderate, to left views - held a view not all that surprising. Based on her track record, at least she was consistent .

Via David Swindle at NewsReal.
...host Jim Angle questioned Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, and A.B. Stoddard. Krauthammer said that Wilders was wrong about Islam — that the Dutch politician did not see a difference between Islam and Islamism. *Rolls eyes.* So those who follow “Islam” ignore passages of the Koran and those who follow “Islamism” actually do what the book tells them to do? Is that right, Charles? Just want to make sure I’m up to speed on the preferred Orwellianisms on the Politically Correct Right.

Stoddard’s comments — she said that Wilders saw no difference between terrorist Muslims and non-violent Muslims — indicate that it’s likely that her first exposure to Wilders was the segment. And Kristol? He dismissed Wilders as a “demagogue.”
So why are these known conservatives doing a 180 when it comes to matters of Islam? Diana West has done some incredibly thorough work, pointing out in the past that the second largest shareholder of Fox parent company, NewsCorp is none other than Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. Talal has influenced Fox programming in the past by picking up the phone and calling Rupert Murdoch.

Diana West also provides her reaction to Beck, Krauthammer, and Kristol with respect to the Geert Wilders story:
Fact is, this anti-Geert pundit solidarity will only delight Newscorp stakeholder Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. That's because it is Wilders in the Netherlands who stands as the unexpectedly strong spearhead of resistance to the Islamization of Europe and the wider West. As a scion of the most powerful sharia dictatorship in the world, Prince Talal doesn't like that. How fortunate for him that Fox News doesn't like it, either.
It would seem to me that for all the good Beck has done, he should dig deeper on this subject before spouting off about fascism. He's either ignorant or not following his own advice about speaking without fear and holding to the truth.

Email for Special Report is special@foxnews.com


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