Monday, March 15, 2010


During Glenn Beck's television show today, he announced that this Friday, March 19th viewers would have the opportunity to ask him anything. He even gave out a new email address specifically for this show. For all the good Beck does - he's the boldest, most entertaining talk show host on television - he's out to lunch when it comes to the threat of Islamic terrorism and its origins.

Ok, fine. If so, he should remain silent on the issue. Instead, on his March 8th broadcast he implied that Dutch politicians Geert Wilders is a fascist. I took issue with that at the time and thought it appropriate to use the email address Beck gave his viewers on today's show. This is what I sent to
Mr. Beck,

How can you imply that Geert Wilders, a man who reveres Winston Churchill, is a fascist?

Wilders is in desperate need of allies and you further alienated him on your March 8th television show.

Either you know the truth on that matter and won't speak it or you are ignorant of the truth and shouldn't have broached the subject.
For the record, Fox News had the clip of Beck's charge pulled from YouTube. However, it's still up on Eyeblast.

Judge for yourself..

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