Saturday, March 20, 2010


Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) appeared on Glenn Beck's March 19th television show to discuss what's going on with the water supply for the San Joaquin valley being partially turned on in return for the votes of blue dog Democrats Jim Costa and Dennis Cardoza, congressmen whose districts are in that valley.

Not only does Nunes confirm that this deal is taking place but he compares the Obama administration with that of both Saddam Hussein and Robert Mugabe, two leaders who also withheld water from their people. Later in the interview, Beck gives Nunes a chance to clarify what he meant by such a comparison. Nunes only re-emphasized it. Someone please explain to me how this is not soft genocide.

For more background on the situation in the San Joaquin valley, click here.

Meanwhile, here's the video of the interview Beck had with Devin Nunes, via the latter's YouTube channel:

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