Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Once again, facts are stubborn things and sometimes they can even penetrate a stonewall. What we know to be factual is that Eric Holder's Justice Department has at least nine employees who have defended Guantanamo detainees. We also know the names of two of those employees. One is Jennifer Daskal who, in addition to defending enemies of the United States, said things very sympathetic to 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The other known DOJ employee is Neal Katyal, who once defended Osama bin Laden's driver. I wrote about both of them here.

That leaves seven DOJ employees who have defended terrorists as still unnamed. Remember, these seven individuals are paid with taxpayer dollars. Holder has been purposely preventing the release of those names since November. While the Black Panther case has been stonewalled for much longer, defenders of al Qaeda terrorists working inside the Department of Justice almost seems more surreal.

That leads to a video from the group called Keep America Safe, a group Liz Cheney is involved with. Gotta love that title: The Al Qaeda Seven.

Holder's Justice Department responds not by releasing the names of the al Qaeda Seven but with an attempt to change the argument entirely. POLITICO posted the DOJ's response to this controversy:
As we noted in a letter to Senators, the Justice Department's attorneys are subject to ethics and disclosure rules as required under both Department guidelines and this administration's own ethics rules, which are the strongest in history. One week after this Department secured a guilty plea from Najibullah Zazi for attempting to attack the New York subway system and indicted two of his co-conspirators for their alleged role in that attack, it should be clear that fighting terrorism and keeping the American people safe is our number one priority.
This administration has perfected the nasty habit of completely avoiding the issues at the heart of important debates. Nowhere in that DOJ diatribe is an explanation provided for WHY the Al Qaeda Seven remain anonymous.

The DOJ has apparently decided to take a more diplomatic tack than John Podesta's group when it comes to dealing with those who are simply demanding answers to questions that are fair and not the least bit unreasonable. Via POLITICO:
"This is plainly unacceptable in the United States," Ken Gude of the Center for American Progress, wrote in an e-mail this morning. "Condemnation is not sufficient. This is pure McCarthyism."
At least McCarthy had names to work with. That said, this stonewalling is a disturbing trend with Holder. Getting the names of these seven individuals should not be like pulling teeth. They are public servants and their employer has a right to know who they are if that employer (taxpayers) so desires.

h/t to NRO

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