Sunday, March 14, 2010


As a Miami Dolphins fan, I always had a reason to dislike Tom Brady - while still respecting his ability - but now I have an entirely new reason for making him the object of my scorn. He's an environmentalist whack job and he's on YouTube asking people to turn off their lights for one hour on March 27th in recognition of Earth Hour, calling such an act a "bold statement". Eco-wackos also love to tell people that eating meat contributes to climate change.

Someone wasn't paying attention when shooting this video. Take a look at all the chopped meat on Brady's counter as he tells viewers to turn off their lights for one hour. UPDATE: AFTER LOOKING CLOSER, PERHAPS IT ISN'T MEAT CUTLETS ON THE CUTTING BOARD. PERHAPS THEY'RE GRAPES? Are we to believe Mr. Brady is such an Eco-wacko that he doesn't eat meat because he's got piles of grapes on his cutting board? Maybe he's pledging not to eat anything but grapes for an hour.

Whack Job! He's not doing much to dispel the stereotype that football players aren't that bright. Sounds like Brady could use a trip to the University of East Anglia or Penn State for an education because the University of Michigan appears to have let him down.

via Big Journalism

1 comment:

  1. He went to school in Ann Arbor. That should be all there is to know. Pompous bastards.
