Tuesday, March 30, 2010


While the Tea Party movement is smeared as a bunch of racists, Louis Farrakhan rambles on about how Barack Obama does not have the power people think he does, that the power which surrounds him is really in charge - Obama is merely governing "white affairs". Ah, those race-hustling poverty pimps are slick victimologists. It would seem they're hedging their bets when it comes to how successful Obama will be as a president by sowing the seeds of Obama the Victim.

Via New Zeal March 20th in Chicago, the day before Bart "Turncoat" Stupak changed his health care vote. Also note that the "other half" of Obama's brain, Valerie Jarrett was an invited panelist - she may or may not have been in attendance, I couldn't tell .

Is Valerie Jarrett being used too? Geesh.

For more videos of Farrakhan at the same event, go here.

Hmmmm. It would appear Louie has changed his tune since October, 2008...

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