Monday, March 15, 2010


Thanks to Verum Serum posting a video of Washington Post blogger Ezra Klein speaking to a group in July, 2008, we were able to witness Klein expressing his true beliefs about wanting a single payer (government run) health care solution. He even explained why he didn't publicly state those beliefs - people wouldn't want it. That video may have signified Klein's low water mark.

That is, until now.

While appearing on MSNBC's Countdown on Thursday, March 11th, Klein actually lauded the prospect of Democrats using the Slaughter strategy to pass health care as an example of "consistent innovation". Yes, he cheered the blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution as a noble endeavor. His entire quote via NewsBusters:
....the one thing that I would say about House and Senate and congressional processes that it is a process of consistent innovation. That it`s never been done until it`s been done. And all sorts of things are invented at the time.

Reconciliation had never been used to increase the deficit before Bush did it for the tax cuts. You can go on and on down the line where, you know, in response to differing circumstances and our politics changes, they figure out a way to do things and then it becomes a norm in the future from that. So, that they haven`t done, it doesn`t mean they won`t.
I'd say Klein has hit a new low by championing potentially criminal and impeachable offenses. It all goes back to that ends-justify-the-means mentality of Saul Alinsky.

Here's the clip from 2008 via Verum Serum

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