Monday, April 5, 2010


Catholic priest Michael Pfleger is a white race hustler and friend of Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Hate Speech. He notoriously burst onto the scene in 2008 when he got very political from the pulpit, singling out Hillary Clinton specifically and playing to the crowd who was obviously very willing to encourage Pfleger's theatrics. He was suspended from his job as pastor of St. Sabina's Catholic Church for a grand total of two weeks. Upon returning to work, he made NO apology.

Pfleger should have been de-frocked. Instead, he was given less than a slap on the wrist and didn't even see the error of his ways; he should have been required to apologize, at a minimum, in order to keep from getting kicked out of the church.

Ah, but that was then and this is now. Less than two years later, Michael Pfleger is scheduled to find himself on the receiving end of a Lifetime Achievement Award for his role in furthering "Racial Justice".

Via eNews Park Forest:
Along with the St. Katharine Drexel Racial Justice Awards, the Office for Racial Justice will honor Bishop Joseph Perry and Father Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina Parish, with Lifetime Achievement Awards in recognition of their lives of service in pursuit of dismantling racism, injustice and inequalities on behalf of African Americans and all people of color.
To illustrate how absurd such a notion is, check out this excerpt from one of Pfleger's sermons. The video has been pulled but have a look at the transript:
"It's like saying to a woman who's been repeatedly raped over, and over, and over, and over, over, and over [and telling her] 'you need to get over it.' 'The HELL I do,' [she would say]. Get the sucker who's been raping me and make him pay.' Well, America has been raping people of color, and America has to pay the price. America has to pay the price for the rape."
I'm as critical of Hillary as anybody but if the video below the is emblematic of racial justice, it should be blatantly obvious that Pfleger is more qualified to receive an award for exacerbating racial hatred.

Yes, the Catholic Church is giving this man a Lifetime Achievement Award, for what I have no idea.

h/t to Gateway Pundit

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