Friday, April 16, 2010


When the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Committee (FEC), it was not only a slap in the face to the sponsors of McCain / Feingold. It also deeply bothered Barack Obama to the point of chastising the Supreme Court's Justices at his State of the Union.

The suit was filed on the basis of First Amendment freedoms surrounding a documentary about Hillary Clinton, called "Hillary: The Movie". Citizens United produced the film and was prohibited from marketing it based on the notorious campaign finance reform law penned by John McCain and Russ Feingold.

As further evidence that the Supreme Court ruling was very unwelcome news to the left, CQ is reporting that the Democrats are now hard at work, trying to overturn it with new legislation.
By early next week, House and Senate Democrats are expected to introduce a bill designed to blunt Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which tossed out most restrictions on corporate political ad buys. While language is still being finalized, the measure will more than likely expand disclosure requirements for corporations and nonprofit organizations looking to take advantage of the more liberal regulatory landscape.
Sounds like the Republican sponsor of McCain / Feingold would be the first one in line when it comes to writing new legislation, right?

Not so fast. John McCain is conspicuously silent on many of his notoriously liberal issues - immigration reform comes to mind - for one primary reason. That reason is that he is in the fight for his political life in Arizona. Here is another reason to embrace J.D. Hayworth's bid for the Senate seat McCain has held since the Reagan administration. Regardless of one's stance on Hayworth, his being in this race is serving to keep a RINO - John McCain - on a leash.

Conversely, if McCain wins the August 24th primary against Hayworth, many expect him to perform a flip flop that would make John Kerry proud:
“Given that [McCain] made the centerpiece of his earlier political efforts governmental reform and campaign finance reform in particular, it’s curious,” said Marc Elias, a Democratic campaign finance lawyer at Perkins Coie. “It seems clear that he is not planning on being a leader on reform, but is he really willing to vote against reform?”

Elias and other observers say that the day of reckoning for possible McCain support is Aug. 24, when Arizona voters take to the polls to decide the 2008 GOP presidential nominee’s fate against his primary opponent, GOP former Rep. J.D. Hayworth. Many observers speculate that after the primary, McCain may pivot toward the middle and could ultimately back a Schumer-Van Hollen bill.
I have received criticism for my stance of strongly opposing Sarah Palin's decision to actively campaign for McCain in his primary with Hayworth. Based on this news, I am even more convinced that Palin made a big mistake in doing so.

h/t to Free Republic

1 comment:

  1. Senator Harry Reid of Nevada should be made a prime example of, in his delirious push for yet another Immigration Reform bill. He should not, and will not be recycled to his place of prominence in the majority Senate chambers again. He will be a taught a lesson in humility to the massive margin of the US population. He is not showing his true colors of genuflecting to the commanders of Wall Street, the radical echelon of the ethno-centrist organizations or wealthy lobbyists. Every Nevadan, Tea Party members and all those who vote should set their sights on a win for non-incumbents? Sen. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Graham, Schumer, McCain and others in the beltway, must once again become humble before THE PEOPLE. Sen. Harry Reid attempted derailing E-Verify and its powerful applications of the SAVE ACT, to eject foreign workers from America's workplaces. He and his cronies in Washington have relentlessly strived to whitewash the poor structure, called the border fence by underfunding it. Deaths along the border are now the consequence as narcotic intrusions and influxes of more illegal immigrants has become more predominant.

    Many of the Democrats with Liberal ties have sought to outcast the 287G, local police arrest and detain measure. Napolitano already has an inadequate record of immigration enforcement in Arizona, as the previous governor. As Homeland Security Secretary has seen fit to cut back on budgets for the US Border Patrol and severely restricted large ICE raids across the country. It’s time for all patriotic Americans to vote these politicians out of office, specifically those who entertain another financially damaging AMNESTY. The last one was a undeniably a complete travesty as hundreds of thousands of destitute people poured almost unhindered into our Nation, before and after President Reagan signed the 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli bill. They want reform, and then amend this law, not vigorously pretend that it's not another AMNESTY?

    America is possibly the only country in the whole world whose ‘public servants’ in Washington have, for decades, betrayed them and plotted to replace them in favor of virtually anyone from around this planet. Everybody will agree that this America will always need specialty and top performing engineers and scientist, along with highly credentialed skilled men and women. Included in this special visa platform should be entrepreneurs and investors to this great country of ours--wherever there from? This must be specific on outstanding merit of their jobs, that American citizens-residents are unable to fill. This is where we need to adopt a points system to attain the top notch people who want to immigrate here. Outside of these superior workers, we cannot afford to support the desperate, unschooled and destitute who are looking for manual work, knowing that Uncle Sam will look after their low income families. Arizona on the other hand is fed-up with kowtowing to its illegal immigration invasion to open border entities and took drastic measures to stop this intrusion into their states entitlements. So as California—a refuge state next door, my guess large blocks of foreign nationals will hi-tail-it there, where it’s a free for all on welfare payouts.
