Thursday, April 22, 2010


The eleven page motion filed by Rod Blagojevich calling for the subpoena of Barack Obama was news all by itself but when it was discovered that the heavily redacted document had been de-coded, the document's importance took on exponentially more significance. The motion, while posted on the internet, had been redacted in many places. However, the redactions, if copied and pasted to a Word document were almost magically revealed.

This phenomenon is going viral and the judge presiding over the case has called an EMERGENCY MEETING according to NBC Chicago:
The judge presiding over former Gov. Rod Blagojevich's corruption trial called an emergency meeting Thursday evening after information that was intended to remain under seal was released to the public in a defense filing to subpoena President Barack Obama.
The parties involved are downplaying the reason for the meeting but, come on. There was obviously a glitch that permitted redacted portions of a document potentially implicating the president of the United States to be splattered all over the internet.

And we're supposed to believe that an emergency meeting called by the judge presiding over the case has NOTHING to do with these new revelations?

Uh, ok.

Whether planned or not, Blago has got to be thrilled right this very second.

h/t to Free Republic

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