Thursday, April 1, 2010


I'm not making that up, nor am I exaggerating. Yes, of course, it's a Democrat. His name is Hank Johnson (D-GA) and in this video he at first seems obsessed with the dimensions of the island of Guam. So much so that he almost seems to press Admiral Robert F. Willard into giving him the exact information. It's laughably obvious very early on that Willard is silently pleading with Johnson to put aside the myopia of determining the exact size of Guam but he is cordial and respectful outwardly.

Ah, but there is a reason Johnson wants such specific information. You see, one can only ascertain how many people would have to live on Guam before it would "tip over" and "capsize" if one knows the very important variables such as its exact dimensions and how many "square miles" make up its surface.

Just remember, this man holds 1/535th of the total power of one of our country's three branches of government. The fact that someone like this actually has that much power speaks volumes about the mess we're in right now.

via Weasel Zippers

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