Wednesday, April 14, 2010


First up is none other than Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA). You may have heard Rush play excerpts of this one the other day. A common theme in these videos is that politicians want to be allowed to ramble on incessantly without being stopped and asked to clarify inconsistencies. It's called running out the clock despite they're calling it being interrupted. The intent is obviously to demonize the person challenging them by painting him / her as rude.

Mattera, as usual, will have none of it. He relentlessly challenges Frank on the latter's statements about Fannie & Freddie as well as the job one of his partners got.

I laughed out loud at the end at Barney's response to Mattera's attempt to solicit a "fist bump" from him. I had the opportunity to interview Mattera on my April 4th show. Click here to download the mp3.

Here, Mattera confronts John Podesta, head of the Center for American Progress (CAP) in the same place where he almost caused Robert Gibbs to get in the wrong car. Amazingly telling is Podesta saying a professed communist - Van Jones - is good for the country.

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