Sunday, April 25, 2010


While appearing on CNN with Howard Kurtz as the moderator, Salon magazine's Joan Walsh - far left liberal alert - found herself alienated, again by those she likely thought would be siding with her. Last week, it was Mika Brzenzinski of MSNBC's Morning Joe, who actually mocked Walsh openly and overtly, to which Walsh responded with an apoplectic face of shock that Mika would do such a thing.

As Walsh was still reeling from Mika's body blow, she is hit again, this time by global editor-at-large for REUTERS, of all places, Chrystia Freeland who announces she's siding with Rush Limbaugh over Bill Clinton with respect to the latter's contention that Limbaugh's rhetoric may incite another Timothy McVeigh style attack. Shortly thereafter, Walsh's jaw drops.

For the precursor to Walsh being alienated in debate by those she suspected would be on her side, click here.

This video of Walsh on MSNBC is good viewing multiple times...

h/t to NewsBusters

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