Wednesday, April 28, 2010


It would appear that British Primer Minister has been watching too much Mainstream Media coverage of the U.S. tea parties. While on the campaign trail, Brown was confronted by an elderly woman that would fit in quite nicely with the American Tea Party movement. She had legitimate concerns about her government's deficits and debt. She politely but assertively challenged Brown on a wide array of things.

In front of the cameras, Brown was cordial and congenial. Then, he called 65 year-old Gillian Duffy a "bigot", obviously thinking the microphones were turned off.

First up, click HERE to watch the actual interaction between Brown and Duffy.

Now, after watching that, check out Brown's reaction while appearing on a Radio 2 in Great Britain as he listens to the uncovered audio of him calling Duffy a "bigot". Click HERE for video.

More at the UK Sun here and here.

h/t to Drudge

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