Friday, April 30, 2010


It is extremely important while viewing this video courtesy of Sharp Elbows to keep in mind the assertions made by the Quincy Police Force via a press release. In that release, the Tea Party protesters were portrayed as the source of the problem - the reason that riot police had to be called in. That claim does not pass the smell test, nor does it pass the video test. Check out this excerpt from the April 29th release.
Secret Service personnel requested these individuals leave the area and to go back to the north side of York Street. They did not comply. Quincy Police Department personnel made the same requests and again they did not comply. At that time the MFFT was deployed to stand post between the individuals and the site and, if necessary, remove the individuals. Once the MFFT was in place, the individuals agreed to move.
For more on the Quincy Police press release, go here. Before doing so, however, check out yet another video from Sharp Elbows that clearly demonstrates there was NO CAUSE for the riot police. In fact, you can hear videographer Jason being as respectful as humanly possible to law enforcement, deferring to their direction at every turn.

Pay particularly close attention at the end when a protester volunteers to the camera that he overheard a Secret Service official direct the riot police to push the Tea Party protesters out of sight.

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