Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Video of Obama Budget Director Peter Orszag on April 8th at the Economic Club of Washington, D.C. confirms that when Sarah Palin wrote about Obamacare having "death panels", she was right. While Orszag doesn't use such overt terms, he overtly revealed what the Independent Payment Advisory Board will be all about.

There's no way he would have been this open before Obamacare was passed. Take note when Orszag says the IPAD - not that iPad - is "more important to the future of our fiscal health than the CBO". He also emphasizes that the Board will focus on "quality" and not "quantity" of care while declaring that it has aggressive cost cutting goals. The Board will be virtually unaccountable to anyone according to Orszag who boasts that its proposals - that would be individual proposals - would have to be legislated away by Congress.

While this Independent Payment Advisory Board may be able to impact "fiscal health" more effectively than the CBO, the latter was never given the authority to do so by witholding health care from American citizens.

There shouldn't be any doubt that the Tea Party was right and Obamacare supporters have been duped, brainwashed, or both.

via Breitbart

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