Friday, April 23, 2010


What can one possibly say to set this up? The video starts out with an un-hinged moonbat yelling, "Raise my taxes". Either the moonbat is a complete and utter moron, she has no idea where money comes from, or she's living vicariously through others whose taxes she wants raised. Regardless of what option you choose, she's certifiable.

Don't stop watching there because the hits just keep coming. For example, the woman in the purple shirt with the yellow vest says she's for an increase in revenue which is why she supports taxes......for business owners who make more than she does, as a business owner. This individual is then asked how she got to the event - the question was actually geared toward who funded the trip. The answer? We got here on a Greyhound bus.

Priceless - no pun intended. These people literally - no, I mean literally - have no idea where money comes from.

h/t to Hot Air

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