Saturday, May 29, 2010


Before the official White House memo authored by White House counsel Robert Bauer was released on Friday, Joe Sestak was interviewed on WCHE 1520 Radio out of West Chester, PA. A man named Chris Freind asked him about the comments of Illinois Senator Dick Durbin earlier in the week. The response Sestak gave wasn't exactly kind to Durbin, the #2 Democrat in the Senate. Basically, Sestak accused Durbin of being part of the 'Washington establishment'.

Earlier this week, The Hill reported that Durbin was calling on Sestak to come clean about the alleged job offer:
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said the onus is on Sestak to say more about the offer he claimed to have received from the Obama administration in exchange for dropping his primary challenge to Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).

"At some point, I think Congressman Sestak needs to make clear what happened," Durbin told reporters at the Capitol.
Now for Sestak's comments on Durbin. The whole interview is worth listening to but to hear the key portion, fast forward to the 6:30 mark to hear Sestak attempt to align with the voters against people like Durbin.

Here's the transcript:
FREIND: "U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, one of the highest ranking Democcrats in the Senate, has publicly said that you need to come clean....

...Clearly, someone isn't telling the whole truth.

If this was a quid pro quo arrangement, (which by your words it would seem to be), that would be against the Number 1, (if that is the case) do you let the White House get away with that crime, and Number 2, could your silence be construed as obstruction, of aiding and abetting?

SESTAK: I don't really care what Dick Durbin says....he's the Establishment of Washington, D.C. I appreciate Dick Durbin. But I've already demonstrated that when the Establishment thinks it can dictate what's right for Pennsylvanians....who have lost hundreds of thousands of jobs...I'm not going to let Washington or anyone else dictate what I'm going to speak about....

I answered this question honestly. Others have to stand up for their accountability and what their role is..."

FREIND: Do you think they (the White House) committed a crime?

SESTAK: I'll let others decide that...
To hear the entire interview, click below.

h/t to Free Republic

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