Sunday, May 30, 2010


I'll be guest-hosting for The Secretary of Logic / Logic Czar on Memorial Day, May 31st from 9am-Noon EST from Studio L. On the agenda is the latest on the BP Oil disaster, ACORN Whistleblower Anita Moncrief's new revelations on stealth socialism, Immigration in Arizona (and Texas), and the scandal involving Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Sestak. Joining us at 10:15am EST will be Jeffrey Lord of the American Spectator.

Lord has been following "Jobsgate" since it began. He will, no doubt, provide additional insight into this scandal. I'll be sure to get his take on the exchange between Darrell Issa and Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell on Fox News Sunday.

Oh, we'll also be discussing another interesting Obama administration stonewall that involves Pennsylvania - The Black Panthers case.

To listen to the show LIVE, click HERE at 9am EST or go directly to Lynn's website.

You can also stream LIVE on 1400 KTEM by clicking HERE.

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