Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The Daily Caller is reporting that two fans at a Phoenix Suns game who support Arizona's tough new immigration law were ejected from their seats when they wouldn't remove their shirts, which boldly donned the phrase, 'Viva Los 1070' - an obvious show of support for Arizona's tough new immigration law.

Via the Daily Caller:
Two fans at a Phoenix Suns basketball game were ejected from their first row seats and removed from the arena last week after refusing orders from security guards to take off their shirts in support of Arizona’s recently passed law against illegal immigration.

One of the fans, businessman Jim Clark, said he and a friend, who were wearing orange shirts that read “Viva Los 1070,” eventually were allowed to return to their seats during last Wednesday’s game against the San Antonio Spurs after speaking with a security director.
The men were apparently allowed back to their seats WITH their shirts.

h/t to Gateway Pundit

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