Thursday, May 13, 2010


There is significant buzz across the state of Texas over whether or not this state would support a bill similar to Arizona's SB 1070 that deals with illegal immigration. Two State Reps. - Leo Berman (R-Tyler) and Debbie Riddle (R-Tomball) - are planning to introduce a bill in Texas' next legislative session in January.

Berman will be appearing on the Lynn Woolley Radio Show on Friday, May 14th at 9:05am CST / 10:05am EST.

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Despite widespread support for such a bill in Texas, Gov. Rick Perry and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst have publicly stated they don't think such a law would be good for Texas.

What's been the biggest complaint about Washington, D.C.? Answer: It's governing against the will of the people. Perry himself seized the anti-big government mantle during his gubernatorial primary. Yet, he is already hinting that despite overwhelming Texas support for a law similar to SB 1070, he would veto a bill if it made it to his desk.

Dewhurst, as the Lt. Governor presides over the Texas state senate and will have final say on what gets brought to the floor. The only thing Perry or Dewhurst would like less than a bill similar to SB 1070 would be such overwhelming constituent support that they would be forced to either let Texans have their say or govern against their will.

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