Monday, May 10, 2010


Rush Limbaugh has said for nearly a year now that he is living inside Obama's head rent free. While giving the Hampton University Commencement speech on May 8th, Obama seemed to bolster that notion with one of the most bizarre statements he has uttered - and there have been many. As he spoke about the new media and the 24/7 news cycle, Obama singled out the iPad, the iPod, the Xbox and PlayStation.

Here is the money quote Obama delivered that is likely to have many people scratching their heads for several reasons:
"Meanwhile, you're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't rank all that high on the truth meter. With iPods and iPads; Xboxes and PlayStations; information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment. All of this is not only putting new pressures on you; it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy."
Information becomes a distraction? Isn't this the most visible president in American history? Isn't he on television every single day giving us all kinds of distracting information? What he really seems to be saying here is that when people are reading, watching, or listening to media that either doesn't involve him or portrays a negative image of him, it's a distraction from what HE wants you to be paying attention to - him, in the way he wants you to see him.

Drudge is linking to a New York Times article from 2009, which talks about how much Obama loved his Blackberry:
President-elect Barack Obama has repeatedly said how much his BlackBerry means to him and how he is dreading the prospect of being forced to give it up, because of legal and security concerns, once he takes office.

“I’m still clinging to my BlackBerry,” Mr. Obama said Wednesday in an interview with CNBC and The New York Times. “They’re going to pry it out of my hands.”
Gateway Pundit reminds us that Obama gave the Queen of England an iPod last year. In fact, that iPod also included two of Obama's speeches. Over at Weasel Zippers, it's noted that Obama's presidential campaign advertised on multiple Xbox games. Additionally, Obama at one point divulged the music he carried on HIS iPod.

This is beyond reproach. The iPod is apparently a distraction unless it contains information Obama wants you to have.

Click HERE for the video of Obama referring to "Information" as a "distraction" at Hampton University.

h/t to Hot Air

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