Thursday, May 6, 2010


Via Free Republic, an article in the Polish RMF 24 has been translated and is likely to provide some important missing information about the plane crash that killed the Polish president and nearly one hundred high-ranking Polish officials. The translation is a bit choppy but decipherable.

NSA has reportedly delivered images from a satellite to Polish authorities. Among other things, it might show how much fog was above Smolensk. This would be important because it's a primary reason given for the crash. Additionally, the images could show if the plane was burning before it crashed.

Here is the original Polish story on RMF 24.

via Free Republic:
Translated: Satellite Images Taken Over Smolensk by NSA Given to Polish Authorities
rmf24 ^ | May 5, 2010 | unknown

Posted on Thursday, May 06, 2010 1:24:44 AM by theanchoragedailyruse

Military prosecutors already have satellite pictures of the presidential Tupolev crash near Smolensk – told a reporter RMF FM Krzysztof principle. Military prosecutors who are investigating the crash, confined itself to stating that it was “very important evidence.”

Investigators have received photos several days ago from U.S. National Security Agency, which, inter alia zawiaduje satellite system of the United States. The proposal in this regard by the Ministry of Defence. Materials are examined by our investigators, but does not give you any, even the general answers to questions about what the camera recorded the American satellites.

The Polish authorities, which occurred to the Americans asking for pictures, counting on the fact that photographs can help to exclude one of the texts adopted by the investigators of a possible terrorist attack. They can also help answer the question whether, in the moment of impact with the ground plane explosion occurred or whether the machine has been shot down.

If the camera recorded the flight of Tupolev despite dense fog, can also reproduce the precise track approach to land at the airport. Such information would be an excellent addition to the data stored in black boxes.

RMF FM Reporters also learned unofficially that the recorders recording conversations in the cockpit of the presidential Tupolev, is the voice of the person who did not belong to the close of the crew. It might have been the voice of flight attendant or another person with the cabin crew. But we can not exclude the possibility that one of the passengers entered the cockpit before landing.

It is also known that Polish prosecutors have still not received any document from the Russian investigators, of which appeared in legal aid. Also, records of autopsies of the victims are yet in the hands of Russian prosecutors. Investigators are hoping that today begins a visit to Moscow, Attorney General Andrew Seremet accelerate the transfer of the evidence.
As I've posted before, here and here, the tragic irony and history behind the Katyn massacre is incredibly searing, so much so that Vladimir Putin and Russia in general needs to be 100% transparent during this investigation.

h/t to Free Republic

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