Tuesday, May 25, 2010


While it is certainly noteworthy when anyone at MSNBC asks a member of the Obama administration about 'Jobsgate' - a scandal involving allegations that Joe Sestak was offered a bribe, this exchange between Chuck Todd and David Axelrod, while brief, is revealing.

Axelrod changed the subject quickly but it's how he did it that struck me as a possible microcosm for the tactics used by the Obama administration to co-opt the media in general. Watch as Axelrod abruptly changes the subject while mysteriously having a copy of the Washington Post on hand, featuring a story about Chuck Todd.

Axelrod proceeds to heap praise on Todd, who embarrassingly melts in front of the audience.


Via Hot Air Pundit

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UPDATE: In the context of that video and the rubbing of Todd's belly by Axelrod, take a look at Todd the next morning on MSNBC'S Morning Joe. In this exchange, Chuck couldn't be any more of an apologist for the administration. Is it a coincidence that shortly after receiving fawning praise by Axelrod, he's defending the White House?

Video via NewsBusters

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