Saturday, May 8, 2010


This is an utterly amazing video montage from Verum Serum, originally captured by C-SPAN 2. It is from a speech Barney Frank gave at the National Press Club on December 11, 2006. This was a month after huge Republican losses in the elections. As a result, the Democrats would control congress. That included Frank being named head of the House Financial Services Committee only weeks after this speech.

More at Verum Serum. As recently as this week, Frank sent a letter to the White House urging them to fight the Republicans, who wanted strict oversight and regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac included in the current Wall Street reform bill. This level of gall is amazing since Fannie & Freddie are the Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSE) most responsible for the mortgage crisis. POLITICO reported on May 5th:
In the memo, a copy of which was obtained by POLITICO, Frank made the case that Freddie and Fannie are being managed responsibly, and aren’t doing further economic damage to themselves now that they’ve been taken over by the government.
Click here to see a three minute montage of Barney Frank lies. In addition to his "Tulips" metaphor, the best part comes at the very end when Frank is surprisingly and forthrightly "frank" about himself. It just goes to show that the truth can never remain hidden.

h/t to Verum Serum

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