Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Let's see, within the last two years, Chris Matthews has twice declared that Obama sends a thrill up his leg; he's twice referred to Saul Alinsky in glowing terms, once calling him a hero; once he said that it was his job to make sure Obama's was a "successful presidency". As crazy as all of those claims are, one can say Matthews was at least being honest and revealed his true feelings - both physically and emotionally.

If you can believe it, Matthews delivers a bald-faced lie in this clip when he tells Jim Cramer that Spain, Portugal, and Greece are being run by "right-wing" governments.

When socialism fails, blame those who told you it would. Cramer is almost as bad for not correcting Matthews, who is sunken to a new low - and you didn't think it was possible.

h/t to NewsBusters

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