Thursday, May 20, 2010


The results of the Pennsylvania primary may just be a precursor to a very difficult road for the White House. According to Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA), who just won his party's nomination for Senate, he was offered a job by someone in the White House in July of 2009 to drop out of his race with incumbent Arlen Specter. Sestak made that claim during an interview in February of 2010.

If true, there are felonies involved. On May 19th, the day after Sestak defeated Specter, KDKA radio host Mike Pintek asked Sestak about the scandal. Sestak did not do well with his responses. Just prior to the interview with Sestak, Pintek spoke with former U.S. congressman Bob Beauprez about the implications of Sestak's claims.

Surprisingly, one day later, CNN's Rick Sanchez also pressed Sestak on the bubbling scandal and Sestak bungled the issue there too. If the White House wanted Sestak out of the race last July and committed a felony in pursuit of that, imagine how badly they wish he'd have lost to Specter now. As this scandal continues - and as Sestak continues to bungle his answers to questions about it, the White House is increasingly vulnerable.

h/t to Hot Air Pundit

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