Monday, May 24, 2010


The flashpoint of the immigration debate known as Arizona is starting to spawn political earthquakes in the other southern border states. The latest rumbling is from California gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner, who is running against Meg Whitman for the nomination on June 8th. Whitman is on the wrong side of the American people and is to the left of Poizner, who exploits Whitman's words on immigration in this ad, comparing her to Felipe Calderon.

Support for Arizona's SB 1070 continues to grow, in part because the state is increasingly becoming a huge underdog thanks to the Obama administration. Poizner is trailing Whitman but is closing the gap. This video can only help him in his effort to continue that trend. The Independent Voter Network website is reporting that Whitman's support has been plummeting since March:
According to the 41st “Californians & Their Government” report, “Support for Meg Whitman has plummeted 23 points since March” and the competition between Whitman and Poizner is at its closest level yet. 38 percent of those polled will probably vote for Whitman, while 29 percent said they would probably vote for Poizner. This is in striking contrast to previous Whitman polling leads of between 30 and 50 percent.
This ad is certain to sour the pro-immigration enforcement crowd on Whitman but more importantly, it could energize them to support Poizner. If the immigration issue helps Poizner actually overcome what is now a 9 point deficit with Whitman, it could have reverberations that will be felt in the state with the longest border with Mexico.

In Texas, both Governor Rick Perry and Lt. Governor David Dewhurst are shunning the possibility of an Arizona style immigration law in their state. They wouldn't want to be compared to Felipe Calderon now, would they?

h/t to Hot Air for the video.

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