Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Mexican president Felipe Calderon chided one of the United States - Arizona - while speaking at the White House. This is despicable on several levels. One is that the president of the United States didn't find it objectionable, regardless of whether he shares the position of Calderon, which he obviously does. The fact that a foreign leader would come here and criticize one of the 50 states should have sent that leader packing immediately.

Another aspect that makes these comments utterly disgraceful is the contrasting of the law in Arizona, which explicitly prohibits profiling, with the immigration law of the land in Calderon's Mexico; it is racist and inhuman by the standard being applied to Arizona.

I'm really wondering what it's going to take for Americans to wake up in greater numbers.

Via Breitbart

More at Jake Tapper's ABC blog.

h/t to Hot Air Pundit

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