Thursday, May 20, 2010


When I first saw this trailer a few weeks ago, I was quite disturbed by it but decided not to post it. I've changed my mind for several reasons, not the least of which is the charge that taxpayer dollars may be funding it. As the Arizona law continues to fuel controversy, this film is likely to fuel more than that. If ever there was an example of yelling fire in a crowded theater, this film might just do it without anyone in the audience saying a word.

The name of this disgraceful film is, "Machete" and it was produced by Robert Rodriguez. It was filmed in Austin and has that Quentin Tarantino feel to it but with an anti-American, pro-Illegal alien theme. Those familiar with Tarantino's work know what kind of explosive combination that is.

The Texas Film Commission is a taxpayer funded entity overseen by the Governor of that state - Rick Perry. HERE is a link to a page on TFC's website that actually mentions Machete.

Here is the relevant excerpt:
Texas Film Commission Director BOB HUDGINS joins us for a conversation and Q&A, during which he'll give us an update on production in Texas and our new and improved incentives program for film, tv, commercial and video game makers -- who should definitely attend! Thus far, the Texas Moving Image Industry Incentive Program has helped bring films like Machete, Predators and True Grit to Texas, along with television series like Friday Night Lights, The Deep End and Code 58, as well as numerous video game and commercial productions. In fact, after our legislation (HB 873) was signed last April, the program awarded over $22 million in production incentives through 2009, generating $184.5 million in Texas production spending and nearly 11,000 Texas cast and crew jobs by year's end. Don't miss your chance to hear the latest from Bob on how we're doing so far in 2010, and what's on the horizon this year.
Big Hollywood has more about confirming that taxpayer dollars via the Texas Film Commission actually helped fund this film.

A website called the Morrison Report is encouraging people to fax their complaint to Rick Perry and TFC Bob Hudgins. The link provided also includes an e-fax template, making the process easy. Perry, governor of the largest border state with Mexico has not exactly been standing with Arizona, a state that is increasingly needing support. All Perry says is that Arizona's law wouldn't be right for Texas. When you couple that with the prospect that the TFC could be subsidizing a film that actually singles out Arizona by name in the trailer below while placing the state in the crosshairs of an increasingly heated debate, Perry has some 'splaining to do.

The cast of this despicable film includes the following individuals who, by their very participation will likely be complicit in inflaming racial tensions.

* Robert DeNiro
* Don Johnson
* Lindsay Lohan
* Jessica Alba
* Cheech Marin
* Steven Seagal


h/t to ACT! For America in Austin as well as Big Hollywood

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